AnimatedMeshComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's IAnimatedMeshSceneNode |
AssetGroup | Represents a collection of assets (meshes, textures, etc) |
AssetManager | Manages the AssetGroups that are being used by the framework. An asset managed by the AssetManager is only accessible through the AssetManager and its related classes. That means that you can access assets through their respective "normal" managers (i.e. meshes by Irrlicht's IMeshCache or entities by Sirrf's EntityManager) |
AssetProcessor | Responsible for processing all assets in a sub-directory of an AssetGroup. Behaviour for specific assets is implemented by deriving from the AssetProcessor class |
BillboardComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's IBillboardSceneNode |
CameraComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's ICameraSceneNode |
DataStack | DataStacks provide an interface for storing (and removing) variables that can be accessed from anywhere within the framework. Furthermore it's also possible to save these variables into files |
DataStore | Manages the DataStacks that are being used by the framework |
Entity | Represents an object in the game world |
EntityComponent | Abstraction base class for adding new functionalities to entities |
EntityManager | The Entity Manager is the central interface point to all entity related functions of this program |
EntityProcessor | AssetProcessor for processing entities in an AssetGroup |
EventManager | The Event Manager is the central interface point to all event related functions of this program |
GameManager | The Game Manager is the central access point to the game. It is able to perform generic game initialisation and deinitialisation. It's main purpose, though, is to control the flow of the game |
GameState | The GameState object is a base class which is implemented through derived sub-classes |
HasEvents | This class provides a base for classes that need a decentralized event system. By deriving from this class, the derived class gains all needed methods for the management of a decentralized event system |
HeightmapProcessor | AssetProcessor for processing heightmaps in an AssetGroup. In order to properly reload a heightmap from an asset group the class that uses the heightmap needs to implement a event method for the "heightmaps/<filename>" event. When the heightmaps is reloaded a event will be emitted to the appropriate slot with the new heightmap as the parameter. See TerrainComponent::onHeightMap |
ImageComponent | Component wrapper for drawing 2d images |
InitState | First state the GameManager initialises. This class was created to separate initial state loading from the GameManager code. Additionally you can also use the InitState as a template for your custom states |
LightComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's ILightSceneNode |
MeshComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's IMeshSceneNode |
MeshProcessor | AssetProcessor for processing meshes in an AssetGroup. In order to properly reload a mesh from an asset group the class that uses the mesh needs to implement a event method for the "meshes/<filename>" event. When the mesh is reloaded a event will be emitted to the appropriate slot with the new mesh as the parameter. See MeshComponent::onMesh or AnimatedMeshComponent::onMesh for an example |
OctTreeComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's SceneManager function addOctTreeSceneNode(...) |
ParticleSysComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's IParticleSystemSceneNode |
ReferenceCounted | This class provides reference counting through the methods grab() and drop(). Most objects with the framework are derived from ReferenceCounted, and so they are reference counted |
SceneComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's ISceneNode and base class of various scene components |
Script | Technically a wrapper for every AngelScript file that is loaded by the framework |
ScriptedGameState | A class derived from GameState, which makes it possible to interact with classes derived from GameState within AngelScript |
ScriptManager | The Script Manager is the central interface point to all script related functions of this program |
ScriptProcessor | AssetProcessor for processing scripts in an AssetGroup |
SkyBoxComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's SceneManager function addSkyBoxSceneNode(...) |
SkyDomeComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's SceneManager function addSkyDomeSceneNode(...) |
SoundListenerComponent | Component wrapper of SFML's sf::Listener |
SoundManager | The Sound Manager is the central interface point to all sound related functions of this program |
SoundProcessor | AssetProcessor for processing sounds in an AssetGroup. In order to properly reload a sound from an asset group the class that uses the sound needs to implement a event method for the "sounds/<filename>" event. When the sound is reloaded a event will be emitted to the appropriate slot with the new sound as the parameter. See SoundSourceComponent::onSound for an example |
SoundSourceComponent | Component wrapper of SFML's sf::Sound and sf::Music |
TerrainComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's ITerrainSceneNode |
TextBillboardComponent | Component wrapper of Irrlicht's IBillboardTextSceneNode |
TextureProcessor | AssetProcessor for processing textures in an AssetGroup. In order to properly reload a texture from an asset group the class that uses the texture needs to implement a event method for the "textures/<filename>" event. When the texture is reloaded a event will be emitted to the appropriate slot with the new texture as the parameter. See SceneComponent::onTexture or ImageComponent::onTexture for an example |