ImageComponent Member List
This is the complete list of members for
ImageComponent, including all inherited members.
drop() | ReferenceCounted | [virtual] |
EntityComponent(Entity *parent) | EntityComponent | |
getAlphaColor() const | ImageComponent | |
getClipRect() const | ImageComponent | |
getColor() const | ImageComponent | |
getID() const | EntityComponent | |
getName() const | EntityComponent | |
getParent() | EntityComponent | |
getPosition() const | ImageComponent | |
getReferenceCount() | ReferenceCounted | |
getSourceRect() const | ImageComponent | |
getTexture() const | ImageComponent | |
getUseAlphaColor() const | ImageComponent | |
grab() | ReferenceCounted | [virtual] |
ImageComponent(Entity *parent) | ImageComponent | |
ImageComponent(Entity *parent, const std::string &fileName, const vector2di &position, const rect< s32 > &sourceRect, const rect< s32 > &clipRect, const SColor &color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), const SColor &alphaColor=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), bool useAlphaColor=false) | ImageComponent | |
ImageComponent(Entity *parent, ITexture *texture, const vector2di &position, const rect< s32 > &sourceRect, const rect< s32 > &clipRect, const SColor &color=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), const SColor &alphaColor=SColor(255, 255, 255, 255), bool useAlphaColor=false) | ImageComponent | |
mID | EntityComponent | [protected] |
mName | EntityComponent | [protected] |
onPause(void *p) | ImageComponent | |
onRender(void *p) | ImageComponent | |
onTexture(void *p) | ImageComponent | |
onUnPause(void *p) | ImageComponent | |
parseXML(IXMLReader *file, Entity *entity) | ImageComponent | [static] |
pParent | EntityComponent | [protected] |
ReferenceCounted() | ReferenceCounted | |
setAlphaColor(const SColor &color) | ImageComponent | |
setClipRect(const rect< s32 > &rectangle) | ImageComponent | |
setColor(const SColor &color) | ImageComponent | |
setName(const std::string &name) | EntityComponent | |
setPosition(const vector2di &position) | ImageComponent | |
setSourceRect(const rect< s32 > &rectangle) | ImageComponent | |
setTexture(const std::string &fileName) | ImageComponent | |
setTexture(ITexture *texture) | ImageComponent | |
setUseAlphaColor(bool value) | ImageComponent | |
~EntityComponent() | EntityComponent | [virtual] |
~ImageComponent() | ImageComponent | |
~ReferenceCounted() | ReferenceCounted | [virtual] |